Credits: Wolfram Scheible

My name is Aamir Ahmad. My CV can be downloaded here. I lead the Flight Robotics and Perception group (FRPG) at the University of Stuttgart. I am also a Tenure-Track Professor holding the chair "Flugrobotik" (Flight Robotics) and the Deputy Director (Research) at the Institute for Flight Mechanics and Controls, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering and Geodesy, University of Stuttgart, Germany. In addition, I am a Research Group Leader at the Perceiving Systems department of the Max Planck Institute (MPI) for Intelligent Systems in Tübingen, Germany.

Impressions of FRPG

FRPG Team (2018 to present)

Information for prospective Postdoc, PhD, Master or Bachelor students, interns and research assistants.

  • Bachelor/Master Students
    • We usually offer many Master positions in our group. Please see the 'Open Positions' page for the  announcements. You can directly mail me or one of my PhD students for those open positions or if you are generally interested in any of our research areas or projects.
    • Master and Bachelor Thesis -- Students from the University of Stuttgart should write to me directly on my university e-mail with subject line [Bewerbung für Bachelorarbeit oder Masterarbeit]. If you are an external student, please note that we cannot fund travel/stay in Stuttgart for Master or Bachelor thesis work. 
    • HiWi Positions -- Please apply to me directly on my university e-mail with subject line [Bewerbung für HiWiStelle]
    • Interns (PhD or Bachelor/Master) -- Please note that I can usually offer only a few internship positions during summer. Thus, please send me an application by email with a good project plan, fitting to one of our research projects (find those on this website), for the duration you would like the internship to be. Please avoid using template emails. I may not be able to reply a generic email for internship which does not contain a project plan.
  • Prospective PhD Students
    • If you are looking for a PhD position, please note that I also hire doctoral students through the IMPRS-IS program, in addition to hiring directly. When applying through IMPRS, please drop me an email stating that. Otherwise, directly apply to me by sending your CV, transcripts, motivation letter and the names of 2-3 referees whom I can ask for a reference letter (confidentially). 
  • Prospective postdocs
    • You can write to me directly with a project plan, CV and names of 2-3 referees. I highly encourage postdocs to apply for fellowships such as Marie Curie Postdoc Fellowships or Humboldt Fellowship to obtain 3rd party funding. In these cases, I can offer to be the host.